Business Services?
SERCO of Texas manages and operates the workforce center systems for Workforce Solutions South Texas, Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley, Workforce Solutions Alamo and Workforce Solutions West Central SERCO of Texas implements the programs below on behalf of the Workforce Center Boards. In addition, SERCO of Texas offers services to the public and private section as listed below.
Through SERCO Job Skills Initiative which involves a strong collaboration between Alamo College, Workforce Solution Alamo and a community employer known as Minigrip. Which allows participants to dual enroll into a high school equivalency class and a specialized certification as an Industrial Maintenance Technician. The program consists of Youth expected to attend class from 10am-4:30pm Monday through Thursday. Due to Covid-19, the in-class requirement was shifted to an online program which included a new set of barriers for these individuals. Since each participant does not have the financial means to purchase the required materials and attend the classes along with the local community libraries closing due to Covid, the YES! Program provided each participant with the supplies needed to ensure the successful completion of a high school equivalency and trade certification. Within a seven-month period and a total of 360 hours of curriculum participants can obtain their MSSC a Quality industry recognized certification and as well as their high school equivalency certification. Furthermore, they are placed at Minigrip as Industrial Maintenance Technicians under the WIOA YES! work experience program for 12 weeks and upon successful completion of work experience they are offered long term employment in their field.

Community Employer

Workforce Solutions South Texas celebrated the LISD Youth Expo and Job Fair. A private event which consisted of 26 employers from different industries. Where Job Seekers meet face-to-face with employers, in order to make an impression. The event was a total success with a total of 360 students in attendance. Multiple employers donated goodies for the students. SERCO values our community partner/providers because without their help this event would not have been possible.
Community Partnerships